I've decided if I'm serious about this writing thing I better make sure I do some every day and of course this is my most random blog so what better place to start.
I was reading an article in a writer's magazine yesterday about having a place to write and I have been thinking about that. I suspect my procrastination today will be cleaning out the spa room as one option and the front lounge is also pretty cluttered with Tash's stuff. It's my age old habit of clearing the decks before I create!
It's kind of frustrating in a way that I am not getting a lot done during the day - housework and busywork stretching to fill the available time. And it doesn't help that I dont have a strong sense of urgency about earning any money at the moment - the stillness of not having to be anywhere or do anything is a wonderful space.
Of course there are things to do and say - and that's why I want to get some space sorted so I can get into the habit of contributing and playing online again. In the back of the mind there is the thought that it will be easier once Toby is back at university and Tash is off to London and my house will be properly my space during the day. In the meantime here are two beautiful photos from my cellphone of Arthur's Pass in the weekend.