Because I have already finished two more things and started another couple of knit projects. I had a bit of a hiccup with my sewing as well but first things first -
The photo on the left is some handwarmers I knitted for a friend who was turning 60. They ended up being bulkier than I wanted (Tash's were a lot finer) but she still loved them! They only took a couple of evenings and I now have "orders" from three other friends.
The second picture is of my socks which again once I got going on were only a few evenings work plus a couple of sessions in the car during rugby practice. I reckon that another pair would only take me about 12 - 14 hours based on the second one (the first one had a few back tracks on it)
I've also been sewing - finished Jon a sweatshirt - he is now nagging for me to do a hoodie. I had almost finished a hoodie for Toby but when he tried it on while the length was OK it was way too wide so I need to take it in. I had added length to a meduim but he is really an extra small width wise and a large body length wise.
Now if only I could find some of the same kind of energy for the garden and the final de-clutter of the spa room and garage!