The flowers I find impossible to resist are fresias, tulips, daffodils and poppies. All spring flowers... and for planting - violas, pansies and violets. Quite apart from the purple theme in the later - it's no wonder my garden languishes a bit in mid summer. And while I never seize to be amazed that they florish it's probably why my roses thrive because they get so much attention and food in spring.
But it's not just spring flowers - on reflection - we have almost always moved house in July/August and so I think it triggers my "got to get this place sorted and tidy" frenzy in spring. Over the past couple of weeks I've been cleaning out cupboards and drawers, washing windows and beginning my significant de-clutter. (And if truth be told kind of resenting the limited work commitments I do have for interrupting) It's a counterbalance to all that is new and techie, dishes still need to be done, washing hung out, floors vacuumed (altho actually I still I have a cleaner for the vacuuming ;) )
Nick has been away for nine days - and I'm not expecting he'll notice much difference when he stumbles in past midnight tonight but I can still the progress.