Tuesday, September 22, 2009

RItes of Spring

One of the things I' ve had more time for this year is to stop and notice the idiosynchritic approach I have to some aspects of life - and spring really seems to bring it out!!!

The flowers I find impossible to resist are fresias, tulips, daffodils and poppies. All spring flowers... and for planting - violas, pansies and violets. Quite apart from the purple theme in the later - it's no wonder my garden languishes a bit in mid summer. And while I never seize to be amazed that they florish it's probably why my roses thrive because they get so much attention and food in spring.

But it's not just spring flowers - on reflection - we have almost always moved house in July/August and so I think it triggers my "got to get this place sorted and tidy" frenzy in spring. Over the past couple of weeks I've been cleaning out cupboards and drawers, washing windows and beginning my significant de-clutter. (And if truth be told kind of resenting the limited work commitments I do have for interrupting) It's a counterbalance to all that is new and techie, dishes still need to be done, washing hung out, floors vacuumed (altho actually I still I have a cleaner for the vacuuming ;) )

Nick has been away for nine days - and I'm not expecting he'll notice much difference when he stumbles in past midnight tonight but I can still the progress.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Boots are made for walking

So today I had a meeting in town and I decided that I was going to wear my new winter boots that I raved about when I picked them up four months ago and have worn maybe twice!

I had to plan my whole outfit around them so they could be seen as they should and it was a surprisingly powerful feeling to be in that persona again. It connected to that part of my brain that has been mulling over next steps career wise.

One of the weird things I've noticed about myself is that around this time of year I start getting job itchy feet. September through November is the most common date on my job applications. And I quite often do a 180 degree turn about a decision I've only affirmed recently. One of the classics was September 1999 when having decided to wait til after Christmas to get a job (when Jon would have been one) I had a job (and under two childcare - the real miracle) within four weeks. Many of my jobs have an October in the start date. Nick thinks it might be a spring thing...

Anyway I've seen a job that I'd really love - despite it having many qualities that I know will frustrate and sadden me. Certainly a job I'd feel unhappy about not at least putting my hat in the ring for. And so after declaring my supreme satisfaction with my current working arrangements, that is - not working full time, working from home etc I'm going to apply.

Funnily enough I was playing with a new personal website yesterday and because it wasn't "real" wrote quite a cool piece about who I am and what's important to me in terms of work (no I'm not telling you where it is yet cos I checked this morning and it has typos!) I read it back and thought why can't I write stuff like that when I'm doing a cover letter? While the obvious answer is the absence of pressure - it's good to know I already have something to start with (typos corrected of course).

Just to add to the story ... I was doing the "what would I do if I had a million dollars" game that's quite effective in uncovering your deepest desires a couple of days back... and apart from wanting to move back to Canterbury ... I realised that I had most of what I was listing off already - you just need to see abundance.

So keep your fingers crossed - the universe will provide the answers which ever direction I'm meant to go.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So it's ages since I posted

Mainly because I have been kind of busy with writing and working in lots of other spaces. But this morning I realised that I have had an incredibly productive winter with my knitting. I finished my fifth pair of socks!!! This pair are made out of some pretty hand-dyed wool Tash sent me for my birthday and they are my best yet (Including the lacy pattern)
As well as the five pairs of socks, I have made 6 pairs of handwarmers, a beanie,finished the back of another cardigan for me, and progressed three other projects. Which isn't too bad given my record over the last ten years or so for knitted garments is ... zero!!!
The picture is of the socks in progress that I have just finished this morning.

In the meantime the kakabeak and kowhai are flowering, it's a lovely sunny day - and life in general seems pretty promising.